63 results found displaying 61-63
Wave action air compression and storage Printer Friendly Version
I think the technology is all out there, I would like to see wave farms trapping air into a piping system with a floating collector which compresses and stores the air to be released into turbines creating electricity. If you had an array of high volume low pressure oscilating collectors forcing the air into pipes that bubble up into the floating collector where it is pressuized you can have 24/7 non polluting electricity.
Reward: To actually see it done on a large scale.

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Off-peak energy storage Printer Friendly Version
Take advantage of excess electrical production capacity during night-time hours by equipping homes and businesses with large battery systems. This approach has been suggested for electrical cars where the disadvantage is the size of the battery system, but this would be much less of an issue for homes and businesses. Power companies would need to provide a cost incentive to encourage the use of these and the energy storage mode would be best controlled remotely by centralized operation at the power company to optimize efficiency. Current battery technology could be implemented easily. Having these energy storage devices would likely encourage individual consumers to add solar-voltaic or wind energy collection technology to work with the storage system.
Reward: No reward required

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 United Kingdom
Free Clean Energy from Garbage/Trash/Biomatter Printer Friendly Version
Garbage/trash dumps and also biomatter from farms etc. create heat in large dumped volumes. If a water contaner were to be placed into the center of the mound of trash or bio matter or coils of piping were placed in the center of the rotting mass, hot water could be produced for washing, or house heating for poor populations living nearby.
Reward: Free for the greater good on the condition that it's acknowledged Greg Jones is the originator of the idea.

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