128 results found displaying 82-84
Back Pack Coats Printer Friendly Version
Imagine never losing or dropping or having any problems matching colors or designs between your back pack and your coat - if only your coat and your back pack where one thing. This would be great for any student or out door activity from skiing to hiking Mt. Everest! Just a combination of an attached back pack to the coat and you solve all and more problems when separate.
Reward: One for each type of coat.

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Scented (Wo)Man Printer Friendly Version
Many of us sweat n sweat to stink... Bioengineers, works on injecting into man, the fragrance producing gene of flowers so that he would be scented too. This should solve the smell of sweat!
Reward: get injected by the frangnance

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New Type of Clothes Printer Friendly Version
What would happen if you wove or melted or fused all types of materials possible that you can make clothes out of? What about kevlar, rubber, leather, cotton, polyester, silk, canvas, denim, metal, plastic and all other materials combined? What would it end up being? Clothes or unwearable material? If it was unwearable, could you make them wearable?
Maybe we should mix them all together and call it some new material that we could patent just by the fact that we made unwearable clothes actually wearable by some process. It might look cool and space aged and it would have the best qualities of each material. It might even end up being the new, always worn, pair of pants or shirts or coats or blanket or whatever you could make from it.
Reward: Credit

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