128 results found displaying 115-117
Compact Fold Away Shoes Printer Friendly Version
With every possible section zippered with wather proof zippers and a serigated sole; you could have any shoe like a sneaker fold into itself to a square of about four inches in total. This way you can wear shoes for weather appropriateness then pull out you comfortable fold aways for the destination or work place. You can't work in an office in boots!
Reward: A great hikers gift for you!

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 Costa Rica
Spray Shoe polish Printer Friendly Version
Wouldn't it be nice to have a spray that leave your shoes shiny in half the time it takes to use the liquid or paste polish?
Reward: a dozen of cans, credit

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Even Tans & Sun Protection Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever gone for a tan at the beach and came back glowing from the sun but left with unwated tan lines? And when the occasion comes to dress up in a stunning bare-backed top/gown, those hideous tan lines ruined them all. If only someone would come up with a sort of material for swimwear that allows the rays of the sun to penetrate it yet prevent the harmful ultraviolet rays from entering. So one can troop down to the beach and get a tan with no worries of getting skin cancer nor an uneven tan....

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