78 results found displaying 55-57
John Guthrie Canfield
Pop up muffin pan Printer Friendly Version
i have an ideal of inventing a pop up muffin pan. it consists of having springs under each hole on a pan. There would be a handle to the side coming. it would release the muffins and pop them up. there would be another layer of metal under the pan so the springs would be closed in, where you couldn't see them. between the layer of metal and the bottom of the muffin pan would be the springs. Then you would have a kind of release in it also connected to the handle outside of the pan. press the handle and the muffins would pop up after they have cooled. you may have to grease the pan before baking muffins, so that they would pop out easier.
Reward: A pop up muffin pan (see above).

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Oven Sensor Printer Friendly Version
This sensor "looks" for anything inside the oven before heating. For example, when you go to preheat your oven the sensors automatically

detect any object in there and will beep at you and also indicate it on the screen. I don't know about you, but I have put something in the oven that was not meant to be there and next time I went to heat it, not realizing the thing is still in there, and moments later I smelled a burning smell and then opened the oven only to find the object burned for good. With this sensor, that would never happen again and this would also be a fire safety feature too!!
Reward: Getting the product free!

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Stove sensors Printer Friendly Version
My idea is having a sensor installed in electric stoves to automatically shut off a burner if it is turned on but doesn't have a pan on it within 5 minutes of being turned on. This would be much like a seat belt sensor in a vehicle that starts to ding if you don't fasten the seat belt within a minute or so.
Reward: Safety

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