78 results found displaying 22-24
Little Pixie
Reverse Microwave Printer Friendly Version
Don't you hate it when you re-heat something in an ordinary microwave and then it's too hot to eat?! Well, the idea of the Reverse Microwave is it would cool it back down again to an acceptable level so that you could eat it. Now, I know what you're thinking - that's a Fridge. But putting extremely hot food into a fridge is not a good idea and it takes too long.
You could also have different settings so that you could also cool, chill and freeze things quickly.
Reward: No more burnt tongues and instant ice cold beer!!!

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Bubbles McGee
Water Soluble Tablets Printer Friendly Version
I have noticed that there are the *new* tablets for the dishwasher or the washer (clothes). They are great, I use them. But what I don't like is that you have to unwrap the plastic that the tablets are in. It would be great to have the wrap be water soluble (i.e. melt or dissolve) so that there wouldn't be any waste.
Reward: Neverending supply of the dish/clothes tablets, or the Red Sox winning the World Series, whatever comes first! ;)

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C. Hughes
Here's a Butter Idea Printer Friendly Version
Instead of getting your fingers all buttered up with your corn on the cob. I want to invent a device that is similar to the way a golf ball is cleaned in those handy devices on a golf course. It would by a cylinder container with a removable lid in order for the individual to put butter inside and stick it in the microwave to melt it down some. Then after warming, or no warming, the lid is snapped into place on top of the cylindrical container. The lid has a hole in the top large enough for an ear of corn to be dipped in. On the underside of the lid is brushes, like on marinating brushes used in cooking, they are soft and very flexable and connected to the bottom of the lid and when the lid is snapped in place on the container the soft brissles fill the inside of the container. The ear of corn is connect to a small handle that matches the container but on the underside has four long spikes to jab into the hard end of the corn. After dipping your corn in the container, you now have an evenly, and easily dipped buttered corncob. It makes the "corn" experience much more plesant and neat! Thanks and I am excited!

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