340 results found displaying 82-84
Helmet Gun Printer Friendly Version
This gun and its sights are attached to a helmet and the trigger is fired by the wearer's mouth. The only drawback being, the powerful strap that holds it in place may not be sufficient enough to prevent the recoil from fatally injuring the wearer.

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Keith Lawson
 United Kingdom
Personal Organisers and inserts Printer Friendly Version
This may be possible with some styles of personal organiser already but I haven't come across it.
Towards the end of the year I find myself carrying around two diaries as I book appointments ahead. There is also a major task filling in those important dates, such as birthdays. If only we could buy a month at a time so we could "top up" as we go - in effect, a rolling diary.

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Artificial Fingernails (for Cleaning) Printer Friendly Version
In many household situations, fingernails can be quite a handy tool to clean delicate surfaces from "crusty" dirt. It is somewhat surprising that the powers that rule the industry never came up with a proper equivalent: Either, you are supposed to use chemicals (which either don't work that well or are bad for the environment) - or you use a physical tool which will either be to weak (like a sponge) or cause small scratches (like the green side of the sponge, or steel wool.
So I am proposing a cleaning tool that is like fingernails, meaning it is environmental-friendly and has just the right hardness - hard enough for the dirt, but no threat to the surface.
Reward: Free samples.

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