340 results found displaying 61-63
Marshall Gass
 New Zealand
Liquid Gloves Printer Friendly Version
How about designing a liquid that once you immerse your hands into forms thin cellular sheath. This will prevent infections, keep your hands sterilised and clean. Once finished with your surgery, washing, gardening, serving food, exminations, and other such common household and medical applications. All you have to do is run your hands under hot water and the liquid gloves dissolve away. Brilliant idea.
Reward: A message back saying if this is a good one.

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Home tresspasser photographer Printer Friendly Version
Battery powered, solar recharged, laser diode creating a barrier around common entryways into your house / doors / windows or even to protect the immediate area around your home (yard). The purpose is that if the laser barrier is broken by a trespasser, photos will be taken of the area where the laser was broken (say five pictures with one second delay) for each laser break. Infrared lasers will allow it to be invisible to the naked eye. The device should automatically delete pictures that are older than a variable amount of days. The days should be determined by the owner during the setup.
Basically if your yard was protected, you would have a laser crossing your yard near your house. The camera is digital and mounted on the house facing the laser barrier and is equipped with a flash. Since it is digital, it will save pictures on a standard flash ram or memory stick (whatever). The flash RAM should not be located with the camera but rather it should be in some other central and safe location. The flash is intended to notify the trespasser that their picture has been taken and to possibly alert neighbors and you and your family of possible danger. Cameras can be fixed to the inside of windows to protect from the elements and allow easy battery change out (like a fire detector).
The purpose is to both scare away trespassers and to identify them for the police. I write this in response to the overwhelming danger to our children from sexual predators. The lasers on the windows could also sound an alarm. This product should be a stand alone set that ANYONE could buy at Wal-Mart or similar discount store.
It may also identify the dog that poops in the yard in the middle of the night.
Reward: I would be rewarded if it was made and people were safer.

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Antonin Prohaska
 Czech Republic
Advertising on the Bottom of Beer Glasses Printer Friendly Version
As far as I know, advertising is most effective in spaces where nobody can keep their eyes off. One of those spaces that has been missed by advertising experts so far is the bottom of beer glasses. When you drink out of a glass, you automatically cast a glance at the bottom, so this would obviously be the perfect location to place a flashy ad.
Of course, there should be different prices depending on the type of glass. Putting ads on the bottom of a pint glass wouldn't make much sense, because the foam on British beers is just too thick. (On the other hand, you can also fill a pint glass with crystal-clear cider, so maybe there should be a flat fee for beer glass advertising after all...)
Reward: Free beer would be fine. Also maybe some free advertising space for the guy who created this website. Hey, I like it!

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