145 results found displaying 88-90
Job swapping Printer Friendly Version
I am suggesting a website where people who travel a long way to work and wish to find a similar job nearer to home could enter their details so they could begin the conversation about swapping jobs with someone who could benefit in a similar way. E.g. I live in the suburb Smithton and work as an accountant across town in Joneston. Someone else lives in Joneston and works as an accountant in Smithton.
It could reduce our personal travel times and traffic congestion. It's not always (or even usually) going to work out but if it helps a few then it could be worth it.
A government initiative perhaps?

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Suburban Business Units Printer Friendly Version
Suggesting that each suburb in a city should be run as a strategic business unit, with the individual tax collection or a large percentage of it going towards meeting local development needs like education system and unemployment within the same suburb, consequently the more the employement the more the spending budget would increase for the suburb, giving a incentive to the corporator running the suburb to ensure higher employment.
The corporate tax collection from the suburb with a small % retained the rest going to the central pool.
This system could be a prevalent one but from where I come from....we could do with such administration.
Reward: Tell me ways to make it workable

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 United Kingdom
Primary School Climbing Frame Printer Friendly Version
Children in primary school typically want to climb on the roof. Usually this is a dreadful crime, but must it be?
What about a low, single-story primary school with a roof garden/ playground accessed by ladders, rope ladders, fireman's poles and slides that all lead down into classrooms, the playground, or a central courtyard? There could be wobbly rope bridges from one classroom to another, jungle swings across the courtyard, and whatever else the architect's imagination can dream up?
Reward: The pleasure of seeing it built and enjoyed.

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