196 results found displaying 145-147
Telephone record keeper Printer Friendly Version
A device that would record the user, time, date and length of each call that is made on a specific telephone so that you can compare it to you telephone bill to ensure that the telephone billing is correct. As it is now, the telephone company could add a small un-noticed charge or route a call via a more expensive route and charge consumers more for the same call to the same place and who would know? This would help keep the telephone companies "honest". Also, each user would have a ID code that they would have to enter into the device before they could use the phone. This would make it easy to divide the bill or in large companies give them the ability to see who is making calls, to where and how long they are on the phone. Could save "millions" by discouraging people who use the phone for their own personal business while at work. Or good for people who share telephones and would like to accurately divide the bill, etc.
Reward: A device for all my telephones, forever.

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New uses for government land Printer Friendly Version
Make money for our country. We could lease unused government land to private or corporate parties or to other countries where their is over population, sickness, starvation, or tyrannical governments. We could allow them to build houses and businesses or whole cities and call their towns anything they want to and we could visit other countries just by drving a few miles down the road. Right now, we have an over abundance of useless space that could be used to create alot of revenue or cash to help with the national deficit. Those other countries could produce what ever they would normally make in their countries and sell it with no taxes. We could be culturized without leaving where we live. I can see schools and colleges going on short field trips to other countries within a small amount of distance. Very educational. Maybe make a place for the homeless to live in those portable plastic domes and keep them in one area and off the streets. They would be easier to police and keep track of. They would all be in one place so, we could easily feed and care for them as well.
Reward: Credit

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Slip Cover for Cigarette Filters Printer Friendly Version
Slip covers for cigarettes that are not the usual tip or attachment. No inconvienient, long tip that the cigarrete can fall out of or lessen the strength of the cigarette smoke. It does not filter the cigarette but, rather it is a slip cover that has a tapered end and is reusuable to keep the smell and stains off your fingers and covers the entire filter.
Basically it is a plastic tube which stays on the cigarrette making smoking the same experience and does not change anything but the protection of your fingers. Since the tip is tapered it would fit all cigarettes from fat to skinny cigarettes. Staining of the fingers smells, is hard to remove, and may cause other problems like possible acne when you rub your face with nicotine not to mention unattractive to others.
Today's attachments are dangerous when the cigarette falls out and they are made to filter out the strength and flavor or amount of the cigarette smoke. My product allows confortable, normal smoking without any of those problems.
Reward: Credit

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