45 results found displaying 37-39
Cat Scratchin Speakers Printer Friendly Version
Had speaker covers that were clawed by a cat. Think it should be cat claw proof, better yet, cat scratcher.
Reward: You take the cat

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Waterproof CD Player Printer Friendly Version
Ever wanted to take a shower/bath and have a CD player that can be submerged in water and not break? I was taking a shower when i got this crazy idea of listening to music in the shower. I already know there's a radio that does that why not a CD player? I thought of that because sometimes the radio has songs that you don't like and get bored of it. It would be great to do that! If it is possible i know i wouldn't get bored in the shower/bath at home.
Reward: Just one water proof CD player for free + how it was built

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Audio-Aware Painting Printer Friendly Version
I am doing a research on associations between sound and imagery and thinking of doing a painting that changes its graphic/image/collage according to music that it is introduced to. Not to be confused with sonique visualisations, this product will react fairly accurately and logical, according to synaesthetic-based researches and associations. Would you buy this idea/painting? Would love to see one in my living room
Reward: Some kind-souled company please provide the technical expertise to realise my idea pls...

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