72 results found displaying 13-15
No-mess-potty Printer Friendly Version
The no-mess-potty is a potty (to toilet-train your child) that makes it simple and hygienic to get rid of the contents of the potty (wee and poo) without pouring it over the side and dripping it on the toilet seat and floor. It is made up of a seat and a bowl that click together easily (without having to jerk it off and spill the contents) for comfortable sitting. After the child has relieved itself you take off the seat part and can empty the bowl part in the toilet (should be small enough to fit over toilet and possibly have one side suited for pouring wee over it without spilling).
Reward: Please, if you are successfull in making one, I would love to own a no-mess-potty!!

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Shower water recycling. Printer Friendly Version
In Australia we have a big water shortage problem with lots of great ideas about desalination and grey-water recycling flying around, but the only way to collect and re-use shower water is to put buckets in the shower with you or start replumbing. Theres got to be a better plan.
I'm thinking along the lines of a 10cm high X 90cm X 90cm plastic storage box that fits in the shower recess with a nice teak top to stand on and an inbuilt hand top. Bilge pump to empty the water as required. Overflow would still go down the usual drain and I estimate it could hold up to 80 litres or 10 buckets worth. Grey water can be used on plants and shouldn't be stored so the plan would require it to be self draining too.

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Traveling diet body scales Printer Friendly Version
A digital body weight scale that is no bigger than 20cm x 10cm x 3cm. It could have a ruggedized LCD for readouts, or simply incorporate a bluetooth chip and send the results to your cellphone or laptop.
The way I envision it working, is that you put it on the floor and balance on top of the device on one foot. When the scale has gotten a constant and steady strain for over 1 second it gives a beep, at which point you can pick it up and read the results, or as I said, they could be bluetoothed to another device.
For people who weigh themselves daily, yet need to travel, this would be great: digital body scales are pretty inexpensive, but currently they are all big and bulky. I don't see why the strain gauge technology used in them couldn't be packaged in a travel package.
Reward: At least one device for free.

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