129 results found displaying 91-93
LunchBox with in-built battery operated heater Printer Friendly Version
Hot packs exist already, but they keep food warm for a limited amount of time. A battery operated heater embedded in the bottom of the lunchbox will enable to warm the food whenever required.
Reward: Hot packs like this

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New potato chip bag Printer Friendly Version
Why are a majority of chips in your average bag broken or merely crumbs? Because the chips rest on a hard surface rendering your chips unedible.
Why not have a pocket of air at the bottom of the bag that acts like a cushion for the chips to rest on. Now when you open a bag of chips, you can enjoy a full bag as opposed to the usual 25% of the chips being reduced to crumbs.

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Chocolate Syrup Packets Printer Friendly Version
My idea is for Hershey's syrup in a little packet!!
You never know when you get plain-old-ice cream at a restaurant (blah). Or restaurants themselves can distribute them if someone wants "extra chocolate syrup."
Reward: So you can have chocolate-bliss anywhere, anytime! Weee!

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