129 results found displaying 115-117
Food identification chart Printer Friendly Version
Many now are looking more closely at what there eating and don’t trust as much the food distributors as in the old days. It would be great if we could at a glance see on a product how much energy, fat, protein, carbohydrate, salt and other health hazardous substance it holds. My idea is a bar chart on a common scale for every company. This way even illiterate could understand it. In no time you would get use to it and live a longer healthier life.
Reward: My reward would be to see it happen.

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Wild Child
Vegetable Ice Cream Printer Friendly Version
Companies that make ice cream should try making vegetable ice creams. Perhaps they can be used in diets?
Reward: My name on the product.

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Emily Kasman
Self closing bag Printer Friendly Version
A chip bag or pretzel bag can have magnetic strips along the top so that if you leave it on the counter it will close itself and it will be fresher longer.
Reward: getting this product for free

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