105 results found displaying 58-60
Josh Napier
Automatic Noise Reduction Phone Printer Friendly Version
Dont you hate it when the person you're talking to on the other line speaks in a loud tone? How about a phone that can lower the volume of loud sounds to a normal level automatically?
Reward: Not having to deal with loud noises on the phone.

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REDIAL PLUS ONE! Printer Friendly Version
Sometimes you don't remember to dial the one before calls that need it or you just didn't know it was required for that call. So instead of having to dial all the numbers again you would just hit REDIAL PLUS ONE! That would save you countless valuable seconds. Imagine the joy that would well up from somewhere deep inside you! The receiver of your call would certainly sense your joy and smile.
Reward: A phone with REDIAL PLUS ONE! and pizza and beer

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Kieran Gane
Phone-based Location Alarm Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever fallen asleep on the train and gone past your stop? It happens all the time in Japan.
So why could we have an alarm function which rings when we get into a station? You set it at the start of your journey and it tells you when to get off, when to change, where to go etc.
Never wake up in train sheds again!
Reward: Free phone and minor credit.

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