204 results found displaying 91-93
Background noise internet radio Printer Friendly Version
Streaming radios of different varieties of background noise to be used in the office, home, or busines to create different moods. Rather than using CD's a much richer variety of sounds could be offered through a website. Some examples: natural sounds (beach, forest, wind in trees, rain); Urban sounds (traffic, sidewalk, restaurant, bar), Animals (birds, barnyard, wolves, insects), White noise (different frequencies), mechanical (bicycle, motor, water-wheel, fountain). Ads would be visual only, users could upload their favorite loops.
Reward: Recognition on the site for the idea...and unlimited use of it in my office!

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Dummy terminals return Printer Friendly Version
Remember those old dummy terminals back in the days... (if you're old enough) well I bet they will come back one day when someone steals this idea.
Ok what's a dummy terminal? In a nutshell, it used to be basically a monitor and keyboard hooked up to a network of some kind. Usually there was a text based screen where the user can interact. Most or all of the processing was done on a central computer.
So my idea is that 1 day, we all invest into dummy terminals but this time with wireless. All you need is 1 big giant super computer here and there and wireless connection everywhere. When someone upgrades the super computer... POW you got a new pc almost.
But why do it? Handhelds would not need a high end cpu and could do wonders, your pc would be much cheaper, viruses would less likely do as much damage since only super computers would need updates not 100,000,000 home pcs.
I imagine their could be other uses.
Reward: a super computer

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Off Peak Power Printer Friendly Version
Usually power companies have lower rates during a certain time of day, why not have a home device that charges up during off peak hours, then the home uses that electricity during peak hours. Maybe as simple as a rack of car batteries, or a flywheel or large capacitor.
Reward: We all get one, and fewer polluting power plants are built.

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