204 results found displaying 79-81
Cool Car MP3 Player Printer Friendly Version
I remember the good old times ;) --- as if it was so long ago lol --- when car CD Player was way too expensive for me (high school student back then) to purchase. It was the biggest pain, considering the fact that most of my new music was on CD’s. That’s why, when I wanted to listen to some music from a CD while I was driving, I had only two options either copy the CD on a tape or use one of those cheap portable CD Players with a cassette player adapter.
This situation is similar to what many young adults face today; the difference is that they would like their car stereos to play MP3’s. Sure there are a lot of ways that one can have MP3’s playing on their car stereos: through recordable CD’s, mini disc players, and more, but all of those either cost a lot or take up a lot of space. My idea is an affordable alternative. A small hard drive inside one of the cassette player adapters with a small and nice wireless controller. This device would play MP3’s through a car cassette player and it would be invisible during this procedure since it would be a shape of a simple cassette. One would be able to recharge it at home while using a computer to manage different MP3’s that would be stored on the device. There would also be an option to purchase a small adapter to it, that would transform it into a portable MP3 player.
I believe that this would be a big hit. Even I would consider spending $100 for it, considering that usually I belive that those devices are unnecessary.
If this idea had been done before then that's too bad.
Reward: How about giving me some credit for this idea (if it was not invented yet) and couple of those devices (5 is a good number) since this would make for good gifts.

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Robert Booth
Airliner for Sightseeing Printer Friendly Version
Imagine... an airliner designed to give all of the passengers a panoramic view! Imagine fleets of them flying thousands of tourists low and slow throughout a network of resorts located at the world's greatest attractions, no matter how urban or remote.
With STOL runways, hotels, restaurants, shops and ground transportation systems, these franchised complexes are strategically placed along scenic flight paths that wind through areas like the Grand Canyon, the Amazon, the African Plains, the Outback, the Pyramids, Niagara, Victoria and Angel Falls, and along the Nile, the Mississippi and China's Great Wall.
Imagine the Earth is like a magnificent theme park where people on all continents can spend hours, days or weeks touring its wonders while vacationing along the routes of Lewis & Clark, Lafayette, Columbus, Polo, the Pioneers, the French, the Spaniards, the Romans and the Vikings, to name a few.
This worldwide tour operation is managed within a satellite communications & reservations system. The system incorporates an interactive touch-screen monitor, which points out and explains interesting things the passengers clearly see below. They are amazed with the moving maps and displays of their aircraft's flight instruments, navigation systems and weather radar. They enjoy the live video connection with relatives back home, and making unlimited calls to anywhere, even to their fellow passengers, to the reservations center and their flight crew. Because they are visually orientated, informed and in-touch with their world, the public is now comfortable with flying and can relax and enjoy the breathtaking view before them.
Reward: Receive a booklet describing this idea in detail.

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Double Screen Laptop Printer Friendly Version
What the advertising and marketing business needs are laptops that have 2 screens. One for the user and one to run advertising on. The advertiser would pay the user for running advertising of its product while the machine is being operated in public places. GPS software could keep track of the machine only when the user wanted it to and only to verify that it is in a public place, like a Starbucks, library or airport. The posibilities are endless.
Reward: The knowledge that a Robin C. Morgan idea was being used...and free ice cream. A bananan split. A nice one. Ben and Jerry's.

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