75 results found displaying 40-42
21st Century Office Park Printer Friendly Version
Summary: An eco-minded office park where grass and picnic tables aren't there just for looks.
Outdoor Work Areas:

Potential features could include shaded seating areas with power ports to enable working outside. The shade could be provided by solar panels. Wifi access points could cover the area for VPN access.
Shared Meal Areas:

Indoor and outdoor shared meal areas would provide gathering places for all employees to meet and network, regardless of company.
Community Culture:

Bulletin boards, a shared park-wide website/intranet, and park-hosted classes/events all contribute to knowledge and resource sharing across companies.

Additional cost for running the park and all listed benefits would be passed along to the companies in the park. Metrics should be planned and implemented correctly to analyze utilization and conduct regular SWOT analyses.

Numerous. Environmental focus in construction and maintenance of grounds coupled with proper marketing and niche category could yield a high return on investment if handled correctly.
Reward: Focus on growing environment and community aspects balanced with economic sustainability - then spread the business model so I might work there some day!

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Katryna Cooke
Donut Idea Printer Friendly Version
My idea is to open a new kind of donut shop geared to the adult market. With donuts instead of having pink and chocolate icing making them more savoury looking and made with more wholesome foods like potatoes or cheese and less sweet. Like savoury pancakes or pretzels. So there's more of a meal with your coffee. Maybe a whole new chain of savoury donuts cafe's could be made!
Reward: Free savoury donuts with my coffee!!

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New cyber cafe Printer Friendly Version
How about a Cyber Cafe where the computers are in place and you buy a portable hard drive to use when you come in ..that way all your info leaves when you do. Tables will have built in printers for use when needed.
Reward: cheap alternative to buying computers for those who can't afford them.

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