145 results found displaying 10-12
Local "Society" Fund Printer Friendly Version
I think it would be a fantastic idea for companies to have an optional "local society" fund. I know a lot of companies have a "social" fund in which employees can opt in or opt out. Even something as little as $10 per month can help immensely. For example, if there is a workplace that had even 30 employees contributing to a local society fund, that would come to a total of $3600 per year for causes to the local society fund, which could be helping their local society out in any way, shape or form. Some things I would do are: building homeless shelters, operating another food bank, buying toys and clothing for women and children's shelters, etc. I think it would be a great idea, a little can go a long ways. $10/month to a local society fund among several employees can change a lot of lives.

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Mary E. Lloyd
Generating Electricity from Waste Water Printer Friendly Version
This one's especially for California - I have had this idea for years: As the waste water approaches the treatment plant, have it hit by a ring of laser beams. This will create steam which will turn the turbines to make the electricity. What remains will be germ free but good for topsoil, making soccer fields etc...
Reward: Provide a garbage disposal system for Berat, Albania.

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More efficient, humane work schedule Printer Friendly Version
- 30 hour work week is standard. Jobs would offer both a 5AM to 11AM shift or a 1PM to 7PM shift. (Restaurants, bars would have different shifts.)

- Traffic on roads reduced as there are half the commuters on road at same time (except at lunch time).

- Families wouldn't need daycare. One worker in morning shift, other in evening.

- Go-getters, renaissance people can manage having two full-time jobs in completely different fields.

- Stores are open when you're not working.

- Greater worker efficiency, satisfaction (fewer hours, better work).

- Lunch can be enjoyed at home as family.

- Businesses are open for longer hours, making it easier to get things done, across multiple time zones.

- People can enjoy a good part of the daylight hours.

- Companies need less rental space for same job.
Reward: My choice of shifts. A holiday called Bluecube Day.

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