63 results found displaying 52-54
Efficient wind turbines in cities Printer Friendly Version
Create a huge cone shaped Helium balloon with a big funnel like opening in the center. Now place a wind turbine in its center to generate electricity, tie this structure to ground and release it up at a very high altitude to get high-speed winds. Ropes should be tied in such a way that the concave side of the balloon faces the direction of coming wind.
The Concave shape will trap more wind and will result in greater efficiency of turbine. At high altitude there is more wind (look at kites). No need of high (expensive) towers and can be easily placed in cities.
Reward: Thank me at zyxRationalist@yahoo.com

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Nicholas Humphries
SolarTech Printer Friendly Version
The SolarTech is a solar satellite aimed at the sun 24/7 much like a tv or radio satellite. It works by sending radio signals to a receiver. It picks up the signal and makes the (car, house, computer, ANYTHING WITH THE RECIEVER WORK). And could take over gas, electric, nuclear, batteries, etc. And nobody would ever need those things again
Reward: STOP pollution, no need for gas, electric, nuclear, or any other power.

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Bojan Djuric
 Bosnia and Herzegowina
Electrical Energy from lightning Printer Friendly Version
Since lightnings create a lot of energy, can't that energy somehow be caught and stored for use?
Reward: Just mention my name.

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