94 results found displaying 34-36
Liquid Contacts Printer Friendly Version
Tired of wearing glasses and looking like a geek but too scared to wear contacts? Tired of losing contacts, or can't wear contacts because of dry eyes? Well, liquid contacts would supposedly take care of that. If you had a bottle filled with your perscription, and then (being a 1 drop at a time controlled squeeze bottle) drop 1 drop in each eye. In 2 minutes, the contact either hardens, or maybe it just works as a liquid. No hassle with getting them in or out. After a certain number of hours, (strength varies by price?) the contact would dissolve and be useless. You wouldn't have to take it out and it would be real easy to put in. Having all the social stuff you have to deal with in school, I hate wearing glasses, but contacts are uncomfortable and annoying to put in.
Reward: Lifetime supply

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Calorie Iintake Reader (C.I.R.) Printer Friendly Version
We all know of instruments that can measure the calories you burn out, but what if an instrument was invented which would calculate the calories you're taking in through all that you eat and drink through out the day. You could then decide whether you go light on dinner or just skip it! The thing to work on now is to figure out on to which part of the body should the instrument be attached and the system it would use to calculate.
Reward: credit and some free sample for my calorie conscious freek friends

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Home Cancer Kit Printer Friendly Version
A lot of people die of cancer because they don't go to the docter. Surely, however, more people would catch their cancer early if they could test at home. It would be like a pregnancy test, or a bloodsugar test.
Reward: Saving Millions of peoples lives! Maybe your own!

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