156 results found displaying 112-114
Fleamarket Guide Printer Friendly Version
When you can't find what you're looking for in a shop, you'll ask the clerk. But what if the same thing happens to you at a fleamarket?
The solution: special fleamarket guides who help you find what you're looking for. There could be specially trained people who are in charge of a certain stretch of the fleamarket and can tell you what's going on. If it's too much to remember (possibly!), the stands could also enter their stuff into a database, so everybody would know that e.g. stand 37 sells the hockey equipment you've been desperately looking for.
Reward: Perhaps some free fleamarket shopping?

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Stig Bakke's brother Stig
Virtual Map Pins Printer Friendly Version
So after Stig returned from Iceland, he thought it would be kind of cool to put up one of those big maps with pins in all the places he had been (he traveled via Panama City and Osaka). Unfortunately, Stig doesn't have any free wall space.
After we argued for a bit about whether he should take down his ancient Def Leppard poster, we agreed that being able to do this on a computer would save a lot of space. There are plenty of map programs, but are there any that allow you to insert virtual pins?
Reward: Full credit for the idea, a copy of the software, and some new socks.

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Virtual daytrading game Printer Friendly Version
I am a stockmarket daytrader and it really bothers me how no one has started a great virtual daytrading game. I am sure there are millions who would be interested to learn without the risk.
Reward: if anyone does know of any free daytrading site, please let me know.

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