156 results found displaying 94-96
Detective/Police case pool Printer Friendly Version
The creation of a large site containing past cases and official log in for police detectives who want to solve crimes.
International setup:
A library of information regarding deductive and inductive methods for solving crimes and an experts forum and email system that helps detectives find the right answers from more educated and/or more experienced and/or prooven record (famous - well known - respected) detectives.
(Maybe: A cross sectional reference system that matches modus apperendi, similarities in crimes and can track license plates or pass ports or border crossings and new immigrants.)
Special membership: firewall and security: for detectives and experts.
AND a public query line for amateurs and for those curious people who need a mystery solved.
Reward: free web site where I might try out HTML and storage for links, words and pics.

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Salty Cocktail Bar Printer Friendly Version
Cocktails are always nice - but they're usually very sweet, too, and that may not be everyone's taste, at least not for long. Sure you can always throw in a Bloody Mary between two Pina Coladas, but that's about all you can choose from when it comes to salty (or non-sweet) cocktails.
I propose that someone starts opening a bar (chain?) serving cocktails based on vegetable juice. Vegetarian shops offer a wide range of potato juice, red beat juice, etc. but as far as I know the word hasn't been passed on to the cocktail makers yet. The ways to go for now would be to promote it as a speciality bar, but in the long run I would like to see a decent selection of sweet and non-sweet cocktails at the same place.
Reward: Free cocktails!

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MMPORPG for education Printer Friendly Version
An MMPORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) for eduational use.
A role playing game usually consists of doing something (hunting monsters, casting spells, etc...) in order to gain "experience points". With those "experience points", you are able to defeat bigger monsters, travel to distant places, etc...
Well, how about the same thing, only, instead of killing monsters, you would have to figure out problems (quest-based). With each problem solved, you could get rewards such as money or XP, which you can use to purchase vehicles or equipment.
Reward: PLEASE let me know if you are interested in collaborating with me on this project. We could start a new project at sourceforge.

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