36 results found displaying 31-33
Hair Mousse Dispersement Tip Printer Friendly Version
With a plastic, reusable, hair mousse dispersment tip for your can of mousse, you can keep mousse off your hands and apply mousse correctly and directly to your hair or put it on your hair brush and keep it off your hands. Mousse is very sticky, messy, and slippery. The tip attachment just goes on the tip of the can and spreads mousse out through micro-holes in a funneling like way. The tip attachment has more area than just a tip and can spread a wide strip of mousse evenly over any surface with out the use of your hands.
Reward: Credit

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On the go grooming Printer Friendly Version
This item is mostly for on-the-go people. Business people who don't have a chance to freshen up before a meeting with disposable one time use deodorant strips, gel strips, toothpaste strips...etc. I know you have been on a date and wished you had gel for your hair, or after the gym needing a little deodorant or any other grooming aid.
Reward: credit and some strips

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Robot comb Printer Friendly Version
A comb attached to a small motor and sensor which works like this. Attach the comb to the root of you hair, and start it and leave it in the hair. This moves down a clump of hair using the motor and when it reaches the hair ends, it pulls itself up using the clump of hair like a rope (think of a mountain winch), and move to another location probably an inch away and starts going down the hair. This way you can use it while driving, and probably have to reposition it once or twice to cover the whole head.
As a bonus it could also sprinkle some gel or hairsetting fluid while combing.

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