34 results found displaying 16-18
Full Light Range Cameras Printer Friendly Version
All cameras have a limited amount of defintion, clarity, and details in images, due to the fact that definition in different light ranges disappear when in bright or dim light. In dim light all bright definition is lost and in bright light you can't see any defintion in the dark areas. I propose that we create cameras (still or movie) that can capture all definition, clarity, and details in all light ranges and conditions (dark, mid-range, and bright). This would beat plasma screens in resolution and even beat the details picked up and captured by the human eye even with the best vision.
This full light range capture is easy to produce. All cameras are now computerized with Charged Coupled Devices (computer chips) to capture light, details, resolution, clarity, and details instead of mechanical parts of the older type cameras of the past but, the image is captured by only one chip. If we add three of these CCD chips (one for each light range) then we cature the entire image instead of just one light range. Right now your most current technologically advanced cameras capture one range at a time. I did research with camera companies and they are only working on resolution and not light ranges. In other words they are not addressing this issue directly.
Reward: Credit

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 United Kingdom
Microwave with TV screen Printer Friendly Version
Ok, waiting for your food to cook in microwave is pretty boring, just seeing it revolved around. So how about the microwave door is a flat tv screen. It will automatically play a movie clip of the length of your cooking time. E.g. if you put on a pizza for 20mins, your microwave will run a 20min show for you on the screen! - plenty of time for an episode of the simpsons methinks! Random clips could be played, but chosen to coicide with the length of time you are cooking in the microwave for!
Reward: i wants one!!!

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Closed Captioning On Back of Chair in Movie Theater Printer Friendly Version
Deaf People or Hard of Hearing People would like to be able to go to movies in movie theatres, but can't because the movie doesn't have closed captioning or can't understand what's going on in the movie. So I came up with an idea of maybe having the closed captioning on the back of the movie chair, so it doesn't bother the hearing people. Or if we came up with glasses like 3D glasses that have closed captioning in them, so it doesn't bother the hearing people. Deaf/Hard of Hearing people need to be able to go into movie theatres and watch movies like anybody else would. I know this because I am Hard of Hearing myself.

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