54 results found displaying 19-21
Multi a/c ATM Card Printer Friendly Version
I wish to have a bank ATM card that can handle simultaneously all my bank accounts maintained with several banks. A single ATM card would be issued by one of my bankers and I would have the facility to register all my other bank accounts maintained with other banks, with that single ATM card. This would reduce the hassle of holding a bunch of ATM cards in your pocket and to memorize too many PINs.
The same thing can be done with Credit Cards as well. This will also reduce the hassle of holding all the credit cards of different banks.
Reward: Good wishes

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Hello? Parking meter is that you? Printer Friendly Version
Introduce parking meters either on public roads or in car parks that can be accessed remotely by telephone. Each space would have its own pin number allowing the owner of vehicle the opportunity to top up their allocated time by credit card payment without returning to the vehicle.

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Jon Banham
 United Kingdom
Internet Opportunity Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever had the trouble of getting it all together to send someone a note or a thank you card? E-Mail is the answer, but if they are not connected, it takes ages to organise the card, stamp, pen, etc., and then it has to be posted.
I propose an organisation that will take care of all this. They would be contacted via e-mail, and they would send the hard copy for you. Any personal messages could be cut and pasted into a card or onto a letter heading. The only problems are with advertising the service and method of payment.
Reward: "Recognition" Ha Ha!

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