74 results found displaying 28-30
Child Safe Packaged Gift Opener Printer Friendly Version
Much like a rolling blade with a handle for cutting fabric combined with the blades of children's cutting scissors, it would cleanly and easily open any type of gift wrap or box or tape or ribbon which could be recycled for later use by cutting rather than ripping. This would reduce the amount of mess on any given Holiday by not having a lot of scraps to pick up afterwards amongst other problems. Also, it is almost always practically impossible to get at your gift through all the packaging, so we just roll the blade over the packaging (of whatever kind) and it cuts open without effort and not damaging the gift. They could be given out taped to the gift. The general design is just a child safe rolling blade and a handle (of any color) taylored for cutting certain materials since fabric cutters won't do it. The handles could come as a child would want it such as animals (also prehistoric) or cartoons or whatever the kids like these days.
Reward: A packaged gift (of your choice) and an opener.

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Automatic Irrigator Valve Printer Friendly Version
There are many references in various electronic journals, design, or D-I-Y magazines to devices, which deliver water to plants based on monitoring the dryness of the surrounding soil.
All of them are electronic circuits, which require power for monitoring and power for the valve that delivers the water. The power has to be low voltage and available at the plant being watered.
The idea proposed now is to develop a non-electrical direct acting automatic irrigator, which can be attached to any drip irrigation system, or even any water pipe.
There are many polymers and polymer gels some of which are humidity sensitive. Choose one, which is not bio-degradable and changes volume with humidity. Make a low pressure valve with a rod made of this polymer attached to the valve seat. Bury this part of the valve at the place moisture has to be monitored.
On drying, the rod contracts letting out water. On hydration, the rod expands sealing off the water.
Reward: Greener Plants

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 United Kingdom
Entrepreneur's Business Park Printer Friendly Version
Every area has talented people. Skills all going to waste. Dying of loneliness. And lack of opportunity. In my experience, the only people who really benefit from the agencies set-up to help entrepreneurs, are the employees who mostly do very little to actually help alleviate their struggles.
So why not introduce a true enterprise zone to help bring enterprising people together. Government funded, industrial type building - you're allowed all kinds of styles in business parks! It could be a sort of theme park for adults, with places to crash out, bars that serve good food/drinks, IT stations, art studio facilities, noticeboards, keep fit equipment including fun stuff like swings, a gym for people to play ball games etc., and most importantly, a large conference suite so that council members or big business can consult the brainy bods!
Surround the place with loads of trees, flowers. Create enough parking (could be underground). Maybe charge members an annual fee, reimburseable if they make a good contribution to help run the place efficiently/cost effectively.
For ambience, try using weatherboarding on the floor - nail down and sand the panels, apply paint/varnish! Cheap, effective, hard-wearing. Don't make ceilings too high or problems keeping place warm. Could show educational films relating to art/craft/design. Hold seminars about whatever people are interested in, e.g. tackling poverty... Could run a store re-using waste paper etc. There's so much potential, the mind boggles!
Reward: Just make it happen! Invite me along to my local think tank. That would more than suffice.

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