72 results found displaying 58-60
Collapsible Bathtub Printer Friendly Version
Soaking oneself in hot water with some herbs or spa salt is a luxury that many cannot enjoy because of lack of space for a bathtub.
A collapsible bathtub similar in shape to the Japanese bathtub might help. It can be made from thick rubber.

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Moving Airstream Hair Dryer Printer Friendly Version
I've noticed that most women (and some men) move a hair dryer in quick & fast movements around their hair in order to dry it faster. My idea is to have a mechanism within the hair dryer that would allow the air flow to be in a swirling motion, saving the wrists of many people and making the hair dryer more effective.
Reward: Free vacation to Europe...

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nicholas anthony
Smart Dryer Printer Friendly Version
I'm a guy and I wash my own clothes. I wash my clothes at any time during the day, including at night. I don't mind if they are wrinkly. I like to set the timer on my clothes and then go to sleep. Sometimes when I check them the next day, even sometimes after a few days, I find that they are still damp. This is terrible for my clothes and I sometimes rewash them after I have left damp clothes in the dryer too long. I find damp clothes in the dryer about one out of every three times I do laundry. I could always leave them in longer but I don't want to always over dry them, which I believe isn't good for the fabric. So what if companies made dryers that determined on its own how long each load should take to dry and then automatically turn off? This could prevent my loads from being damp some of the time, without possible damaging my clothes by drying them too long.
Reward: A discount on the product or possibly the productif it sells big.

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