156 results found displaying 79-81
Washing machine that could detect metal device Printer Friendly Version
To stop feeding the washing machines with my cell phone, watches, etc, I hope the laundry room on campus or the washing machine itself could have X-ray or other methods to detect my poor electronic devices before they start running.
Reward: :)

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Buffalo Ben
Chlorophyll solar panel Printer Friendly Version
To sum it up quickly, I will spare you the high school science class info. Basically my idea is to use synthtic chlorophyll, first synthesized by Robert Woodward in 1960 at Harvard University, to make a photo cell capable of producing useable amounts of energy. I'm not the smartest guy but I imagine there are two major problems.
1- Since chlorophyll is being made by plants regularly, I assume it degrades over time. There would need to be a way to either stop degradation completely (sounds very difficult if not impossible) or replenish it at a consistent rate.

2- Change how chlorophyll makes energy. Not sure how this would work exactly, but somehow alter chlorophyll to produce a type of energy capable of being stored in batteries.
I'm not sure if this idea is even possible, but if a "green" solar panel was made, it would be very easy to market. Thanks for reading this, any additional input would be appreciated.

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Gustav Egli
Self-Updating Calling Card Printer Friendly Version
Everyone knows the problem that someone gave you his calling card, but by the time you use it, the phone number is outdated. The Self-Updating Calling Card has a battery and a tiny receiver. Once in a while it will connect to the Self-Updating Calling Card Center that has issued the card. If there's new data, it will automatically replace the old information and show it on the card. Thus your contacts will stay up-to-date forever. If you want to break with your old acquaintances, no problem, just cancel your account at the Self-Updating Calling Card Center, your old acquaintances may then recycle your cards by using them for themselves.
Reward: Get me a set of cards for free, or if there's a monthly fee for using those cards, waive the fee for me.

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