156 results found displaying 103-105
Heather Lynch
Quick Release Camera Filters Printer Friendly Version
I get frustrated with having to screw and unscrew camera filters onto my lense (SLR cameras). I'd like to have a device that I can screw the filter into and be able to clip it onto the lense--quick release fashion. If there were one such device for each filter I own, I could experiementally take pictures quickly with different filters, without wasting time with screwing and unscrewing.
The quick release device should be compatable with existing camera lenses. Maybe have it adjustable, so it can work with any type of SLR camera and different size filters.
Reward: If you invent it, please send me some!

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 United Kingdom
Advanced hearing aid Printer Friendly Version
My wife is hard of hearing, even with a new digital hearing aid she has trouble to hear the phone, door bell etc. My idea is to use a PC/software linked to the various peripherals and then using a wi-fi like transmitter to broadcast to a specialized hearing aid. The transmitted data could be code to the hearing aid so this would activate a sound file in the hearing aid. Anything could be linked like door bell, baby alarm, cooker, fire alarm etc. etc.

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Book Chips Printer Friendly Version
I know food isn't allowed in libraries, but this is different. These would be little chips that could be implanted in the spine of a book. If the book went missing then it could be tracked down.
The chips would have to be hidden pretty well so that no one could remove them.

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