156 results found displaying 115-117
Door bell for the Blind Printer Friendly Version
When blind people go out for the day, they have no way of knowing who has visited their house. My idea is a combined doorbell where the visitor can leave a recorded message for the blind person when they return home.
Reward: Good feeling that I helped.

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Rubber Corner Impact Cases For Electronics Printer Friendly Version
A rubber snap on case that protects the corners while you can still use it rather than completely cover it up since only the corners will hit the ground and just about every electronic device will break when it impacts with the ground or floor. Everything from any kinds of cameras, MP3 Players, CD Players, portable devices of all sorts (or non-portable for safety sake) like TV's or DVD players etc. Anything that will break would simply be covered much like a woman's bra with connections running along the sides connected to all the corners.
Reward: One case for each of my devices and as many devices as you can think of to give me.

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Digital hand-held nutritional monitor Printer Friendly Version
A portable hand-held device that incorporates a digital bar-code reader, memory for data storage, and usb port could be used with appropriate programming to monitor nutritional intake with real-time convenience. The reader would allow a user to scan the product's bar code for identificantion of the food, and then search its database for "nutrition-fact" data for the product to give a running total of nutritional intake over a day or other time increment.
This would require a digital database of packaged foods with their "nutrition facts" on the device, and also ideally easily downloadable updates for users. Periodic updating of the database through the usb port would allow new products to be added or old ones modified. The ability to select generic foods, like fruits, vegetables and meats, easily would be necessary.
A desirable feature would be to allow users to program a diet and download it to the device, so that a running total of calories, carbs, proteins, fats, etc. could be maintained through the day, and even suggestions made about foods that would stay within the diet for a given meal. Uploading of actual intake data from day-to-day could be used for longer term assessment and correlations to weight-loss or other health issues like diabetes, or high cholesterol levels.
Reward: Healthier people.

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