105 results found displaying 43-45
Telephone record keeper Printer Friendly Version
A device that would record the user, time, date and length of each call that is made on a specific telephone so that you can compare it to you telephone bill to ensure that the telephone billing is correct. As it is now, the telephone company could add a small un-noticed charge or route a call via a more expensive route and charge consumers more for the same call to the same place and who would know? This would help keep the telephone companies "honest". Also, each user would have a ID code that they would have to enter into the device before they could use the phone. This would make it easy to divide the bill or in large companies give them the ability to see who is making calls, to where and how long they are on the phone. Could save "millions" by discouraging people who use the phone for their own personal business while at work. Or good for people who share telephones and would like to accurately divide the bill, etc.
Reward: A device for all my telephones, forever.

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Mobile for the elderly Printer Friendly Version
There's an entire generation out there that would desperately need mobile phones, but they are more or less barred from their use. I'm talking about elderly people who would love to have a mobile for certain situations, but today's phones are so small and the buttons even smaller that they simply can't use them.
What I am thinking of is a simple device with just a couple of picture buttons - one for calling the doctor, one for a taxi, one for the grand daughter etc. The grand children (or the mobile shop) would program those buttons once and even old people with bad eyes and shaky fingers could easily handle such a device.
Reward: Such a mobile for free for my parents who will need it by the time it has been invented

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Voice controlled Cell Phone Printer Friendly Version
On my cell phone, I'd like a sensor which recognize my voice and automatically picks up the call if i say any particular word Like "hello" or "hey." Especially when I am driving or busy in kitchen. Also, it would be nice to disconnect the call using any word which has been already recorded in the phone sensors.

We have seen cell phones with a touch screen. Now I'd like to see a phone which is only voice activated. It would really help people to drive safely and enjoy talking while working.
Reward: Getting this product Free is a good Reward .

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