41 results found displaying 25-27
Commercial Channel Printer Friendly Version
Commercial Channel, a channel where they have something about commercial 24/7.
-Old commercials

-New ones

-Commercial talk-show

-Commercial Interviews

-Comeercial Buzz and games

-Hystory of brands

Preety much like MTV, but commercial is the word instead of music.
Reward: Let me know if someone put this in practise.

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Stig Bakke's brother Stig
Watchworthiness Notification Printer Friendly Version
Here's one: in exchange for a small extra fee paid to your cable provider, they would notify you whenever a sports event is close and worth watching.
For example, nobody ever watches tennis, but wouldn't it be nice to receive a message saying "Turn on channel 17 - there's a 14-14 tie in the final set..." so you could see the epic games without wasting time on the dull ones?
Reward: Two tickets to the Australian Open. Plus airfare...

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George E. Collins
Telemarketer Prevention Printer Friendly Version
Develop technology, intrinisic in the home phone, that before the phone even rings once, answers; "If this a telemarket, donation request, political call, or if your number has caller ID block, please hang up and do not try again, otherwise stay on the line and your call proceed as normal." The technology to create such a phone would have to be created.
Reward: Graditude of all those people who detest such calls.

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