75 results found displaying 34-36
Itheoxy Xakhzhatlia
Coca Tea Printer Friendly Version
Get a licence for import and export coca tea to sell in the EU. Peru, Bolivia and Colombia have this product already on sale. The coca tea is legal, medicinal, tonic, delicious and is new in the market. The producers are not "Big" people so they still don´t have the adequate business backup nor huge promotions. A new sensational product for the EU.
Reward: any

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Itheoxy Xakhzhatlia
Profits with altruism Printer Friendly Version
Do you have enough money? If so, you can buy small broken enterprises to refloating. Sample: Buy a business. Invest to refloat it until it makes profits then GIVE the 80% of actions to the workers with this condition: You will receive the 20% of profit only. If 10 of whole profit, the workers get 8 and you 2. Doing this with many small business, at the end you will get more profits ever imagine and you will know that make money with no workers explotation.
Reward: recognition

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Personalized Form Fitting Condoms Printer Friendly Version
You can buy kits to match your genitalia (Male or Female) then send that molded part into a company to form fit the condoms that perfectly match your sex organ or genitalia. This way you can have better relations and safer sex. More sensitivity and greater pleasure. Less chance of disease and preganancy from acidental misuse. It does proper condom usage for you. It wont fall off or stretch or break. You could order in bulk with discreet home delivery.
Reward: Credit

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