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Lisa R. Kopp
3-part idea for inventions Printer Friendly Version
Three-Part Idea for Inventions by Lisa Renee Kopp
My ideas for a three-part invention which would prove very useful to people, both individuals and groups, are as follows:
Part I – Use the technology used to invent microfilm to create a widely used product where people can make copies of records (and anything else that currently comes on paper).
Part II – Invent a machine where people can make copies of things already on paper and put them on a microfilm-like substance. This machine should be portable and easy-to-use.
Part – Invent a machine that people can use to view documents and things put onto microfilm-like substance. This machine should also be portable and easy-to-use.
Three Ideas explained further:
Use the invented machine to make copies of documents already on paper. A microfilm-like substance can be used and newly-copied items can be placed on this substance. Then people can use the second machine to view these items. Individuals and/or businesses can purchase these three inventions to use. They can either purchase blank microfilm-like items or ones with documents already on them. They can use the first machine to make copies of the desired documents. Then they can either purchase the second machine for viewing the items or a place of business can charge a fee of perhaps $.25 (or more or less) for patrons to view the desired items.
Reasons for these inventions:
There are actually a few reasons. One is because most homes and businesses are “drowning” in a sea of paper. My inventions would help free up a lot of space.
Another reason is an environmental one. If we can eliminate a lot of the need for paper we can save trees and free up space in landfills and garbage dumps.
A third reason is an economic one. Producing my inventions would create a lot of jobs. Then the purchase of my three inventions would generate a lot of money being spent. Then, in addition to those reasons, businesses can generate income for themselves in charging people for the use of my three products.
I do not personally have the means to invent such products. However, I am supplying the ideas. I truly believe these products would be very useful to people. I hope you will consider using them.

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Paper Houseboots Printer Friendly Version
I need a pair of cheap houseboots (actually, a bunch of pairs); and so does my contractor and lots of other people).
I'm building a house, and there's dirt all around. Every time I need to come inside for something while I'm working out in the dirt, I have to stop and take my boots off (or else track dirt and sand onto my nice new cork floor). And then put 'em back on again when I go back out. A royal pain, both ways.
After I came up with this idea, my wife and I found a pair of big slip-on booties in a catalog--for 27 bucks! Not what I had in mind at all. What I need is a paper pair that'll last for a few trips into the house and then can be thrown away. A couple bucks a pair would be OK, but under a buck would be great.
Yes, there are hospital and cleanroom booties that one can buy for maybe 15 cents a pair if you buy a case of 300. But if you've got a handful of tools or something, you don't have two hands free to put 'em on. What's needed is something that one can slip one's boots into without using one's hands at all. They should have slightly raised backs, so that dirt doesn't just slide off the back end while you're walking. Kind of like large low-back bedroom slippers.
Housewives with kids would probably appreciate having houseboots in small sizes, too.
Reward: A lifetime supply? Small royalty if the idea really makes money?

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Clog Resistant Drain Printer Friendly Version
Street drains, like those in your kitchen sink, are designed to let water and small amounts of solid matter pass through. Beyond that, they will clog. Their design demand it.
How about street drains with gradual "convex" rises instead of straight bars. They would be strongly built to withstand cars and trucks. Leaves, paper, and other debris would shed from the top of the drain and sucked to the lowest open areas. Water, blocked by the forming debris at the base would be forced to seek a "higher" level toward the top of the drain and through.
Yes, this drain would also eventually clog, but not with moderate amounts of debris.
Reward: name recognition

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