81 results found displaying 16-18
Personalized Commercial Database Search Engines Printer Friendly Version
Choose any Search Engine and install it with the added perameters of data input which puts more power, and accuracy in what you search for simply by answering personalized questions and which results you prefer to come first to last in any online search.
An easily adaptable, question/answer alteration to any search engine which would then be applied to all chosen search engines until you wish to change parameters and personal preferences. This program should be Freeware and apply to any web search.
Reward: Aaron Steven Burns

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Concert reminder service Printer Friendly Version
A service desperately needed is a concert reminder service: you create a profile where you enter your location as well as the bands you like, and the system will send you an email as soon as it's known that one of "your" bands is coming to town. Getting an email along the lines of "Hey Steve, we just got word that The Kills will be coming to town next April - secure your tickets now" would be just so much nicer than reading in the newspaper how The Kills rocked the local club this past weekend.
Needless to say that anyone providing such a service could earn a ton of money by providing links to ticket companies, so I'm really somewhat surprised that something like this doesn't seem to exist (yet).

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Eyesight Testing Software Printer Friendly Version
A computer program that tests peoples eyes to find their eyeglass prescription. It could duplicate the effects of the machine with the lenses that the optometrist makes you look through. The person would look at the computer screen without any glasses on and select which of two images looks clearer repeatedly, just like at the optometrist. The computer program would emulate the effect of an eyeglass lens. The image would look like what a person with perfect vision would see if he put on someones eyeglasses. Of course to someone who needed that eyeglass prescription, the image would look clear. This system would save money because you would not need the expensive equipment at the optometrist, and people could test themselves at home to make sure that they had the best eyeglass prescription.
Reward: A free copy of the software.

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