81 results found displaying 61-63
Immersive reality for Second Life Printer Friendly Version
Recent research has shown that a simulated out-of-body experience is easily induced by presenting a binocular view of another's surroundings to an observer (see reference 1 below). By presenting slightly different angles to the left and the right eye, a stereoscopic effect can be induced. Second life is a growing online community that would potentially be interested in immersive virtual reality, and there could be money to be made by enhancing their online experience. Using an infrared sensor similar to the Wii remote would provide head tracking to communicate with the software (see reference 2) in a more realistic way.

1. Binocular display

2. Infrared sensor for head movement tracking simlilar using Wii remote hack. (see reference 2)
1. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/02/health/02mind.html?scp=2&sq=mind&st=cse
2. http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/johnny_lee_demos_wii_remote_hacks.html

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Online social-workplace networking site Printer Friendly Version
I am thinking of starting an online social networking/workplace where people hire and work with professionals or individual service providers to get work done. Whether you are looking for professional contractors to fix your bathroom or college students to do your house work or that Mexican immigrant to build your drive way.

You could advertise on the site at no charge.

All the site will do is to link these two parties together and they decide where to meet up what rate they will pay also others looking for work can bid on projects advertised, after completion of transaction users can rate each other on the site.
Feedback please. I even a have a name for the site, I will call it www.rentasidekick.com

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"What I liked about my childhood"-database Printer Friendly Version
If you have sisters and brothers, you will, as you get older, sometimes discuss the old times. Pretty often, you'll come across things your parents did that were just awesome (e.g. when you had to go for a vaccination and were brave instead of wailing around and terrorizing everybody else, you would get a matchbox car - what a great idea!) On the other hand, you'll come across a lot of stuff you virtually hated (e.g. you were forced to play a violin - and yuck, you still can't listen to classical music without getting the creeps).
Wouldn't it make sense to collect these - good and bad - ideas in a database? I mean, it's true that nobody can practise to be parents until it happens, and you can't learn it either. But it's not entirely necessary that the same mistakes are made from generation to generation, while all the good ideas get lost. And it's not exactly the educators who can tell you how to do it right - listening to those who can still remember the ups and downs of their own childhood is definitely the better choice.
Reward: Seeing less poorly-mannered children and traumatized grown-ups

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