129 results found displaying 121-123
Multi-Purpose Hot Dog/Hamburger Loaves Printer Friendly Version
Using the same formula as is used when making hot dog or hamburger buns, you could make a multi-use loaf of standard looking bread but, with the hot dog hamburger formula and add in all that is needed to make the loaf of square bread work with hamburgers and hot dogs at the same time. You know that when we shop for bread we usually buy the regular kind and forget the hot dog and hamburger buns then we use the regular bread for hot dogs and hamburgers. Why not make all buns in loaves of bread that you could make everything out of from peanut butter and jelly to hamburgers. One type of standard loaf of bread with the hot dog and hamburger formula that would work with any sandwhich or anything else you would use bread for. More convienent than buying a bunch of buns and regular bread and it would save money and time and storage space. Hot dog and hamburger buns are expensive. We need to combine breads. We could use different hot dog and hamburger bun recipes and have dark or white or rye or any kind of bread/bun.
Reward: Credit

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Oenophile's petit barrique Printer Friendly Version
Instead of selling wine in a bottle or box, some of the producers should consider selling them in small casks (2 - 3 L). The material of the cask must be the same as what the manufacturer would have used to age the wine in their own cellar.
The main idea is to allow buyer the freedom to age the wine at his own home in a cask that is made from the same wood as the one manufacturer would have used. This way someone can buy the wine in this mini cask and age it as long as he or she likes.
This way people would not need to pay a large amount of money for a good quality wine only if they are willing to be patient. Also after the initial investment they will have a high quality wine available to them for any occasion.
Reward: I am not very interested in any monitory awards but if some one does find this idea appealing I would appreciate an acknowledgment at my email address siddhartha.seth@gmail.com

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A new drinking straw Printer Friendly Version
A drinking straw that is a oval rather than round tube. This has multi-usage given that more and more drinks now have non-liquid ingredients. Examples are black jelly pearls in bubble tea and puree in aloe vera drinks.
In fact in Asia many freshly made tropical drinks contain various jellies, beans, fruit cocktails. Take-away drinks as such require a spoon to scoop. A drinking straw with oval tube large enough to draw up these ingredients will be more convenient.

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