81 results found displaying 13-15
Online Literature Printer Friendly Version
How about setting up a website where authors that normally would never be published could publish excerpts of their work? Then, if people like it, they may pay for a downloadable version of the whole thing. Authors could set the price per copy as whatever they feel their work is worth - maybe there could be some sort of bidding system? The site could take a small percentage of sales. And on the same site, perhaps if some agents or publishers would periodically list their submission guidelines and post notes about what they are buying and looking to buy?
Reward: If this really happens, post a note on the message board!

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Concert reminder service Printer Friendly Version
A service desperately needed is a concert reminder service: you create a profile where you enter your location as well as the bands you like, and the system will send you an email as soon as it's known that one of "your" bands is coming to town. Getting an email along the lines of "Hey Steve, we just got word that The Kills will be coming to town next April - secure your tickets now" would be just so much nicer than reading in the newspaper how The Kills rocked the local club this past weekend.
Needless to say that anyone providing such a service could earn a ton of money by providing links to ticket companies, so I'm really somewhat surprised that something like this doesn't seem to exist (yet).

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Self deleting email Printer Friendly Version
Why didn't anyone think of self-destruction/deleting email? Probably 80-90% of emails I get at work during the day are short messages to tell me something and don't require any action...You open them, register some info and either store for future reference, but most of the time you trash it..I know some mail clients (like Novell Groupwise that I'm using) can send delayed emails, so the time interaction module with server is already there. What if you had a check box on your outgoing mail that would trigger self-delete in 1/2/x days after it was opened?

CIA and the White House would love it ;-)

Reward: No spam on my mailbox for 12 months ;-)

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